Photograph by M. Virginia Swisher [2010]

I became seriously interested in photography as a college student in the 1960s. Occasionally I took photos for two newspapers and at the time I thought I might become a photojournalist, but that didn't happen. Instead—and fortunately—my careers as a geographer and, later, as founder and director of an international NGO, gave me plenty of opportunities to bring my passion for photography to my work. Now I am retired; happy to have more time for taking pictures and learning new photographic skills and techniques.

My first camera was a Leica IIIa and a 50mm f/3.5 Elmar lens that I bought second-hand in 1961. I continued to use Leicas and film until recently. In 2006 I began switching to digital photography. Today I use Canon and Leica digital cameras and lenses.

All images on this site are copyright © Daniel A. Gómez-Ibáñez. They may not be downloaded or used without permission. For more information email dgi (at) dgiphotography (dot) com